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They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here.
As we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as students.
After exploring the area around Shirley's burg, John and his sons rode over Sandy Ridge to survey the property below Black Log Mountain. It was here in a long narrow valley they decided to settle.
As we mentioned earlier, we will use XQuery and XPath for our queries into the message log. Here is an example of the XML message that is logged in the database.
There are two options here: either implement authentication in a limited fashion just for the administration team, or require administrators to log onto the server to make configuration changes.
Here, logging output influences other parts of a system in terms of business relevance, in other words, other applications read business critical log records and use those in their business logic.
The original building - a log cabin with a mossy roof - is still here, as is the current farm, built in the 1950s and still worked by the owner Hugh, who is well into his Seventies.
If you need to, you can add your own code here to set up the database connection before the EcoSpace is loaded - perhaps to authorize the user or log in to a database.
Edit 4/14/06: For your convenience, here are links to all of my polyphasic sleep log entries in order (each link will open in a new window).
And it's not just the's of the world you have to worry about.
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Rice, 25, is in training to become an electrician, but he would have trouble getting his license here - there are so few jobs that he cannot log the required hours.
Rice, 25, is in training to become an electrician, but he would have trouble getting his license here - there are so few jobs that he cannot log the required hours.