Configuration and log management: The configuration management feature in 9.7 enables users to configure notification and system logging services.
This is useful in the integration with existing legacy system monitoring tools that offer continuous scanning of log files in order to raise alerts and detect incidents.
Users first must log in to access the system; they can then view the client list and details about each client.
Depending on your requirements, you have to balance the benefit of faster audit log queries with a potential penalty in overall system performance.
After the log records pertaining to older schema no longer exist in the system, the shadow replicate is automatically deleted and system only has new master replicates.
When the boot process finishes, you can log in as root in the system and create normal user accounts.
When the database is initialized, the system allocates a certain number of primary log files of a specified size in the active log directory.
Problem: Cannot log in to the system with LDAP user...
Another new appearance in this quadrant, but in the Trial zone, is Splunk, a log file analyzer useful to system administrators.
Put a message in the errpt log and purge old errors from the system.
Once you have the base operating system installed and it has successfully booted, log in and configure Apache, PHP, and MySQL using the techniques discussed in Part 4.
After the system has started up for the first time, log in as root and create a directory called SRC for the installation files used in the next section.
The first log-structured file system was proposed by John Ousterhout and Fred Douglis in 1988 and subsequently implemented in the Sprite operating system in 1992.
第一个日志结构文件系统由John Ousterhout和Fred Douglis在 1988 年提出,随后由Sprite操作系统在 1992 年实现。
Cannot log in to the system with LDAP user after successful Directory Server configuration.
The data in this log contains information about the devices connected to the system and any faults and problems recorded by the system during the boot and operational process.
Users can filter the system log file contents and view them, or users can view the entire log content in a browser.
Cleaning up log files so that system or user information is not available in the logs.
The target service received each invocation and logged the contents of the business object to the system log as shown in Listing 5.
目标服务接收每次调用,并将业务对象的内容记录到系统日志中,如清单5 中所示。
Still, this has the system allowing users to log in under their own names, which is enough to let them post notes.
Create the database and move the logs to the log file system using the commands in Listing 8.
Registered users can log in to the system using a login page.
The log displays in the system editor, as shown in Figure 16.
A successful invocation simply outputs the attributes to the system log in the Console view (Figure 6).
In case the primary system fails, the continuous log restore feature makes a secondary system available to replace the primary system.
In the event of a system failure, transaction log recovery can apply or undo only those transactions not written to disk at the time of the failure.
Check the system log for the status messages of our service implementations as shown in Figure 15.
When executing the connect statement, no user and password were given so that the connection was established with the username that was used to log in to the operating system.
A typical audit log file on my system is shown in Listing 1; it shows the trail record, as well.
One way to avoid this problem is to never log in to the system as the root user (see the Logging in as root section).
Now, instead of going through the entire process of having to run telnet to connect to the remote system, log in with your username and password, run the command(s) on that system, and then log out.