INFERENCE: a logical conclusion or a legitimate implication based on factual information.
Material and logical implication coincide in the classical logic, however they do not coincide in every logics.
Coding DTD can test the logical implication problem of XML function dependency in linear time.
Due to complicacy of DTD, it is difficult to study the logical implication of XFD.
Connectivity is an important part of discourse analysis. There are many kinds of connectivity, such as grammatical device, lexical cohesion, logical implication and so on.
Implication refers to the semantic phenomena present in meaning but absent in discourse, It is different form the implication and connotation in the category of logical semantics.
Based on the definition of XFD, the inference rules for XML and logical implication is studied, and a set of inference rules, a path closure algorithm and membership algorithm are presented, an.
Based on the definition of XFD, the inference rules for XML and logical implication is studied, and a set of inference rules, a path closure algorithm and membership algorithm are presented, an.