You do this by using logical operators.
Another important set of operators in UNIX is the logical operators.
And the subexpressions can be combined using the and, or, and not logical operators.
When dealing with logical operators you run into a phenomenon called" short circuiting."
The logical operators or, and, NOT and XOR can be used with a specified search proximity.
Although and [] use the same test operators during evaluation, they use different logical operators.
You can combine tests that are allowed for the test command using parentheses and logical operators.
The actual precedence of the logical operators is given by the order these operators are presented in Table 2.
You can combine or modify search conditions using the standard logical operators listed in the following table.
One interesting point about the or and the and logical operators in Python is that they are both shortcut operators.
在Python 中,关于or和and 逻辑运算符有意思的是,它们都是快捷运算符。
To test a bit field to determine whether a specific enumeration value is present, use the Boolean logical operators.
Find mode on our platform can accommodate logical a wide array of operators, logical operators, wildcard string searches, etc.
If you've read any of my previous articles (see Resources), you'll notice that I favor logical operators over writing several lines of code.
Unless this is so, the Boolean logical operators will not be able to extract the individual enumeration values that are stored in the field.
Provides links to topics such as how to use expressions in queries, what logical operators, and how to include user-defined functions in queries.
By using a simple function like exit_msg and a few logical operators, the script could be condensed into the better-looking and easier-to-understand program shown in Listing 14.
You can use logical operators with test categories to run tests from multiple categories together or to limit the tests that you run to tests that belong to multiple categories.
The logical operators have lower precedence than the individual comparison operators, which makes sense because the comparison has to be evaluated before the logical operator can be evaluated.
However, all the logical and comparison operators consistently return the value 1 for true.
In KSH, the default shell used in AIX, as well as other shells used in UNIX and Linux, it's important to know how to use test, logical, and substitution operators.
在ksh (aix中使用的默认shell)中,以及UNIX和Linux使用的其他shell中,一定要知道如何使用测试、逻辑和替换操作符。
LPD is translated into logical chains by constructing logical chains instead of preference operators.
There are mathematical, comparison, logical, and reference operators.
The arithmetic and concatenation operators have the order of precedence described in the following section, and all have greater precedence than the comparison, logical, and bitwise operators.
However, mathematical operators are not the only operators you are given. There are Boolean operators to help you with logical circuits or logical decisions.
However, mathematical operators are not the only operators you are given. There are Boolean operators to help you with logical circuits or logical decisions.