Categorizing these models by functional behavior, logical compared with physical structure, and internal behavior states will produce a useful record of the overall architecture for the system.
These attributes were mapped to source system logical data models in order to ensure that attributes were available in the source systems that were to feed the data warehouse.
Improved communication: Models omit implementation detail that is not relevant to understanding the logical behavior of a system.
Communication Models omit implementation detail that isn't relevant to understanding the logical behavior of a system.
The semantics of logical models, storage models, and server-side Jazz APIs are all independent of the particular choice of relational database system.
The logical models for safety analysis of fuzzy system were set up, they were different from the usual method based on the probability theory.
This paper analyzes the reliability levels of the DCS system both at home and abroad, introduces the system reliability design methods, logical diagrams and its mathematic models.
This paper analyzes the reliability levels of the DCS system both at home and abroad, introduces the system reliability design methods, logical diagrams and its mathematic models.