If you've forgotten your login ID, click this link.
Client logs in with login ID and password.
No dependency on the operating system login ID matching the ClearCase ID on the client.
不依赖于操作系统登录ID与客户端的ClearCase id相匹配。
Please contact our Sales Representative to get back the Login ID as soon as possible.
请与我们营业代表联络, 以便尽快把户口重新派发给老师。
No dependency requiring the operating system login ID to match the ClearCase ID on the client.
没有要求操作系统登录ID与客户端上的ClearCase ID相匹配的依赖性。
Otherwise, the code can stay and it retrieves the user's login ID derived from the RunData object.
It is different from your login ID and password and may be found through your account Settings page.
If you are running the server in localhost on a Windows machine, you can use the Windows login id and password.
Log on to the user database with the login ID of an Oracle user who has permission to create tables and to specify the TNSname.
For ChangingThePresent, I create a cookie, at login time, that has the current login ID. Then, I destroy the cookie at logout time.
At the prompt, log on to the user database with your Oracle user login ID, password, and the TNSname of the user database as follows.
The Corporate Email account should be a combination of login ID and email address. Login ID is used for the service access only.
If my login ID was giliod in the source and is dg1111 in the destination, reference fields like owner and submitter become meaningless.
For each logged-in user, I must replace the logged-out piece of the page with a piece that displays the logged in user's login ID and picture.
The former option points to a private key to use with the host; the latter option provides the login id. Thus, this block is the equivalent of the command.
To simplify the implementation, the file name for the stored text is the same as the user's Lotus Sametime login id with any invalid file name characters removed.
I have to warn that the information you can change including your tel. and duty, however login ID, login time, name and privilege can't be changed at any time.
Your default behavior is to name the users' account (and, by association, their file share and blog) using the pattern user-photos, where user is the user's login ID.
默认的行为是使用模式user - photos命名用户帐号(以及连带的文件共享和blog),其中的user是用户的登录ID。
If the DBA creates sysdbopen with login ID of a user as the owner of this procedure, then, IDS executes that procedure when that specified user connects to the database.
If the CVS administrator provided you an additional login id and password for the second user, be sure to use that login id in the add CVS Repository dialog (Figure 11).
如果CVS管理员为您提供了第二位用户的登录ID和密码,请确保在Add CVSRepository对话框(图11)中使用该登录ID。
In addition, it's email that tries to get you to give up something: your credit card number, social security number, login ID, etc., by pretending to be a legitimate email.
In addition, it's email that tries to get you to give up something: your credit card number, social security number, login ID, etc., by pretending to be a legitimate email.