Those include OMG (Oh my god), LOL (laughing out loud), TMI (too much information), FYI (for your information) and BFF (best friends forever).
其中就包括OMG (Ohmy god/额滴神啊),LOL (laughing out loud/放声大笑),TMI (toomuchinformation/说得太多),FYI (foryour information/仅供参考)以及BFF (bestfriendsforever/永远的好朋友)。
LOL: I am laughing out loud, owing to the absurdity, humor, or sheer stupidity of the matter about which you are writing.
This sample automatically converts incoming acronyms, such as LOL and BRB, to their full text phrase, that is, laughing out loud and be right back.
此示例插件把接收到的缩写词(如lol、BRB等)自动转换为完整的文本短语,转换后也就是laughing out loud以及berightback。
This sample automatically converts incoming acronyms, such as LOL and BRB, to their full text phrase, that is, laughing out loud and be right back.
此示例插件把接收到的缩写词(如lol、BRB等)自动转换为完整的文本短语,转换后也就是laughing out loud以及berightback。