It provides a long-running transaction model that allows increasing consistency and reliability of web services applications.
There is an agreement protocol between a scope and its parent scope to determine the outcome of the long-running transaction represented by a scope.
在作用域和它的父作用域之间有一个同意协议(agreement protocol),可用于确定作用域所代表的长期运行的事务的结果。
The Business Transactions scenario (as shown in Figure 2) provides an illustration of an implementation a long-running Transaction (that is, a Business Activity protocol) using WS-Transaction.
业务事务情形(如图2所示)说明了使用WS - Transaction的长期运行的事务(即业务活动协议)的实现。
Transaction services provide error recovery for both short running and long running processes.
For example, short running atomic transactions can be part of a long running business transaction.
Each step in a long-running process runs within its own transaction as a default and how you can override the behavior.
Each step in a long-running process is a transaction in and of itself.
With BPEL, you can describe a long-running, multistep process of a business transaction using activities to encompass atomic transactions for individual process steps.
A large value here would indicate that there is a long transaction running that is still live in the system.
On the other hand, interruptible flows are used to represent long-running processes, and can have multiple Receive activities with separate transaction boundaries for each activity.
However, during a long running transaction, a log full situation may occur, where all the primary logs are active.
Assuming that the operation performed is part of a long-running business transaction, the response for this interaction will be provided asynchronously on a separate thread of execution.
As a default, each step in a long-running process is a transaction in and of itself.
In a long-running process, the default behavior is to have each activity run as its own transaction.
You want to represent the transaction as a long-running process.
This typically occurs when the long-running process represents the fulfillment of a transaction that's represented by a short-running process.
WS-Transaction specifies a protocol for the long running transaction model defined in BPEL as well as atomic transactions between regular web services.
WS - Transaction指定的协议可用于BPEL中定义的长期运行的事务模型和一般的Web服务间的原子事务。
PTDL4WS also can describe the compensation transaction, thus guarantee the relax atomicity and consistence of the long running process transaction.
PTDL4WS also can describe the compensation transaction, thus guarantee the relax atomicity and consistence of the long running process transaction.