To cut a long story short, she found the jelly.
As the semesters flew by, I dedicated increasingly more time to the latter set than to the former. Long story short: I was quickly becoming a Frankenstein's monster of extracurricular knowledge.
How to tell a story: it is a short question which demands a long answer.
To make a long story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends.
So, long story short, I lost a lot of friends and apparently credibility when I came out as a psychic.
To make a long story short, redundancy in systems design is a common technique to increase availability at the cost of additional hardware (and software).
And a long story short, we never build our secure E-mail program.
To make a long story short, I had to tell my client I didn't know what I was doing wrong.
Long story short, now Marla's out to ruin another part of my life.
As your body becomes accustomed to getting water on a regular basis, it loses the compulsion to store water for later use. To make a long story short, drink 60‒120 ounces of water every day.
Your travel stories, make sure it is not too short as your reader may not get the full impact of your story and make sure it is not too long that the reader gets bored with excessive adjective usage.
But long story short, if I want to use a function called sleep, — the reason I, the programmer, knew to use that library — — that header at the top — because it told me to in this little synopsis.
To make a long story short, the wealth created in the '00s was mostly fraudulent - based on unwise increases in debt.
And — to cut a long story short — here's where I came to.
I made a left turn at a stop-light where I didn't have the right-of-way; to make a long story short,... I demolished yet another car.
The writer condensed the long story to a short story.
To make a long story short, the company was dissolved having dashed our dreams, and those of our shareholders.
To cut a long story short, we invented a brand, we designed the pack, we advertised it, and there wasn't any!
Miguel:To make a long story short, Michael's old girlfriend fell in love with Pedro.
I will cut a long story short.
"Long story short," she says, "we are still together 20 years later."
"Long story short," she says, "we are still together 20 years later."