In fact, deposits are not perfect either: they too can suddenly evaporate (just ask Northern Rock) and they suffer from a maturity mismatch with long-term assets such as mortgages.
Even though the deposits are short-term and the depositor can get the money at any time, the depositor is earning interest of a level that can only be made on long-term loans.
It has improved its funding profile, too, replacing tens of billions of short-term debt with long-term debt and deposits.
This reduced the resources of funds for mid-and long-term loans as well as downgrading the stability of deposits, but increased the pressure for circulation.
Mobile payment options free entrepreneurs from long-term contracts and numerous hidden fees, offering clear pricing and fast deposits for a fraction of the cost.
Such as Banks, when it issues a long term loans to the customer, it only hold the short term deposits which could be drawn by the customers before the loans being reimbursed.
Because of red soil process strongly, earthy manganese-iron deposits widely distribute, resources are huge, ores are easily exploited and difficultly beneficiated, regarded as black soil long term.
Liabilities of commercial Banks to short-term deposits, and preached a long-term loan assets tendency.
European Banks have long been short on deposits relative to their assets and have made up the difference by short-term borrowing, largely by selling short-term notes to U. s. money-market funds.
Savers wish to hold their savings-for example bank deposits-frequently differ from the ways in which borrowers would like to obtain their funds-for example long-term loans.
Savers wish to hold their savings-for example bank deposits-frequently differ from the ways in which borrowers would like to obtain their funds-for example long-term loans.