According to our present-day ideas, in addition to practical value, there is a warm and long-term Insurance for marriage moral to thermo.
And although her parents had purchased five years of long-term health insurance (a "financial godsend," Morris says), she discovered that they were running out of money.
Osgood says the insurance question could also increase pressure on scientists and insurance companies to tease out the long-term impacts of global warming at very local scales.
Love is apparently a form of "long-term commitment insurance" that ensures your mate is less likely to leave you, should your legs fall off or your ovaries fall out.
There are also proposals for Banks to buy an option on capital via a kind of disaster-insurance scheme, paying out premiums to long-term investors in return for dollops of equity when crisis strikes.
In addition, incorporation provides certain tax benefits, such as long-term-care insurance, which if bought by your corporation would be 100% deductible.
"The National Health Insurance Scheme will remain as a transitory measure unless its long-term sustainability is assured and it is linked with universal coverage plans," says WHO's Durairaj.
A few far-sighted countries-including Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and japan-have already introduced mandatory long-term-care insurance schemes.
Chemical companies have finally secured insurance to help them pay the costs of cleaning up the long-term damage they do to the environment.
This rule is important to the insurant under the long-term life insurance contract.
In the long term India does look like a country where life insurance will be a vital vehicle for savings.
How long is the validity term of insurance responsibility?
The new business statistics showed that the long term insurance business grew strongly.
That motivated insurance salesmen to form long-term relationships with the families that he was insuring and to keep them from canceling their policies.
The collective action logic of the commercial insurance agents refers to the identity in their thoughts formed from the long-term contacting among them and the uniformity of their behavior.
Incidentally, remember that links back to a long-term purple family car insurance premiums.
This text will probe into a kind of new developing insurance kind based on old economics foundation -long-term Care insurance.
At last, the paper put forwards some proposals for stimulating the demands for long-term care insurance.
Identifying risk-perception factors affecting long-term care insurance purchase willing-ness is important for stimulating demands for such insurance coverage.
And psychological treatment is a long-term in nature, for the patients, spent much is at their own expense, psychological treatment should be included in health insurance areas.
On the comparison between Shanghai and Japan, the forth part is to research the feasibility of social long-term care insurance in Shanghai and give the skeleton and suggestion on the new system.
Whereas an insurance plan is less flexible. But in the long term, the amount that you intended to save is more secure.
What I mean is if the insured party wished to make a long-term arrangement with the insurance company, say, for a year.
Life insurance companies have historically been viewed as long-term savings institutions, but their liabilities have become shorter in duration in recent years.
No matter in long term or short term, insurance investment scale has effect on the growth of economy.
No matter in long term or short term, insurance investment scale has effect on the growth of economy.