Berkshire's economic goal remains to produce a long-term rate of return well above the return achieved by the average large American corporation.
“The fact that the long-term rate has generally been flat for the last 18 months suggests the risk premium is rising on questions of the sustainability of Japan’s public debt, ” he says.
If these premiums are constant over time, the central bank can still determine long-term interest rate via changing (market agents' expectations regarding future) short-term interest rates.
Step one: announce a target of restoring the real federal funds rate back to its long-term average of 2 per cent.
Because the federal funds rate is already close to zero, the fed has been buying up bonds with a longer maturity to drive down long-term interest rates.
Of course, the short-term interest rate isn't the cost of capital; the long-term interest rate is.
But even as a recovery materializes and fed policy begins to normalize (38 of the 54 respondents expect the key federal-funds rate to increase by the end of the year), long-term problems will persist.
And if they want to spend it on compensation or stock buybacks or dividends, let them pay the long-term capital gains rate.
If you chose the slide on the right you could also have a simple line chart fade in as you talk about the declining rate as a long-term trend.
The past two decades have witnessed relentless declines in the Japanese birth rate, prompting a range of demographic concerns, from a lack of elderly care provision to long-term fiscal catastrophe.
The uninhibited spread of HIV would diminish the economy's long-term growth rate, taking off half a percentage point annually by 2010 and a full percentage point annually by 2020.
Second, the BoJ stated that it would maintain the virtual zero-rate policy until there was "medium - to long-term price stability".
The long-term recurrence rate is not yet known.
Coal miners far and away have the highest mortality rate from pneumoconiosis, or black lung disease, which is cause by long-term exposure to coal dust.
On your second question, China adopts a managed floating exchange rate regime, which serves the long-term and fundamental interests of China.
Unfortunately, several remedies that have been suggested toreduce the rate of long-term unemployment will be ineffective.
First-time enrollment in graduate education grew at a slightly faster rate for them than for women in 2009, reversing a long-term trend that has favored female enrollment.
This high success rate attests to the massive storage ability of long-term memory.
That may even lift Germany's long-term growth rate.
Auction rate notes gave municipalities, universities, museums and other issuers a vehicle to borrow long, but pay a shorter term interest rate.
Second, the BoJ stated that it would maintain its virtual zero-rate policy until there was “medium- to long-term price stability”.
But the new consensus rate of 2.6%, for a recovery now two years old, is barely above America's long-term potential and scarcely enough to bring unemployment down.
But at best the economy may be growing at around 2.5%, which is about its long-term potential growth rate.
But at best the economy may be growing at around 2.5%, which is about its long-term potential growth rate.