Tom skimmed up the shore through the long twilight, chatting cheerily with Huck, and landed shortly after dark.
After so many long years of hopelessness, they represent a small glimmer of light for the people of a dark land.
After a long day of sightseeing, I came back to Beacon Cottage in the dark, only to realize that I'd forgotten to leave a light on inside.
That sent Gaddafi's loyalists into the streets for hours of celebratory gunfire and fireworks, while drivers honked their horns long after dark.
Standing afar and in the dark, Thubron observes the scene and presents it to us so vividly that long after reading it the image stays fresh in the mind.
As Christmas draws near, the shops stay open long after dark.
Faint yellow, dark yellow, yellowish-brown, brown yellow, dry yellow, even the sky with blood yellow, like the place for a long time after the top layer of fresh blood plasma color.
As Christmas approaches, the big shops, gaily decorated and brightly lit, stay open long after dark, and get more and more crowded. Everyone is buying Christmas presents for friends and relations.
No crystallization or precipitation occurred in the product, and the acidity and shelf-life were satisfactory. The drink was featured by dark brown colour, pleasant taste and long after-smell.
No crystallization or precipitation occurred in the product, and the acidity and shelf-life were satisfactory. The drink was featured by dark brown colour, pleasant taste and long after-smell.