As you know, the sample process is a long-run process, which means there may be many instances running on the production server.
Long run economic constraints include declining oil production and exports and pressure on water supplies caused by rapid population growth, industrial expansion, and increased water pollution.
In the long run, Dr. Venter said, the algae should be given "suicide genes" that would kill them if they escaped the lab or fuel production facility.
The short run is the period of time that is long enough to adjust variable inputs, such as materials and production labor , but too short to allow all inputs to be changed.
In the long run the race between food production and population growth remains too hard to solve easily.
In the long run the race between food production and population growth remains too hard to solve easily.
Shortages that lead to an increase in commodity prices are a short-term concern that is solved in the long run by increasing production or substituting one commodity for another.
Services include short and long run production on conventional and CNC equipment, general machining and prototypes.
The hydraulic jet pump can reduce the producing cost due to its long run-life, few inspection operation, high production efficiency, less power consumption and less usage of power liquid.
Over the long run, as domestic WMP production expands and as consumers substitute more fluid milk for reconstituted milk powder, Chinese WMP exports increase steadily.
Both leading to lower production costs and lower and more stable pork prices in the long run.
In the long run, increasing production of low-carbon electricity can help us reduce our addiction to oil by allowing us to power a new generation of plug-in hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles.
In the long run, increasing production of low-carbon electricity can help us reduce our addiction to oil by allowing us to power a new generation of plug-in hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles.