Longer-dated bond yields have risen in recent weeks and the gap between long - and short-term rates (known as the "yield curve") is much higher than normal.
For the biggest beneficiaries of ratings have not been long-term bond investors but the Wall Street firms that used the system to foist misrated debt on them.
Of course, Greece may be able to cut its long-term bond yields if the austerity plan is pushed through.
And I partly made up for missing out on a bond rally (5% annual return on long-term bonds) by favoring growth-oriented mutual funds over value funds.
Expectations that the Federal Reserve will undertake a second round of bond purchases to lower long-term interest rates has pushed the dollar down against the euro and the yen.
It did the bulk of its borrowing through long-term bond auctions, resulting in a relatively long average maturity for the national debt.
What is more, Citi's nonguaranteed bond cost 2.19 percentage points more than the 3.31% aggregate interest rate it was paying on all its long-term debt at the end of June.
Mr Green believes the demand for short-term debt has also shaken the long-term bond market out of its torpor, pushing issues from $8 billion to $13 billion.
Mortgages payable, long-term leases, long-term notes payable, and bond payable are a few examples of long-term liabilities.
Such a commitment could drag down long-term Treasury-bond yields.
The country also lacks a deep local-bond market attractive to long-term foreign investors.
But it's one thing to talk reasonably about long-term difficulties, and another to spread fear about a bond-default apocalypse.
Moreover, the long-term interest rates of leading countries are falling, not rising: in the US, 10-year Treasury bond rates are 3 per cent.
The Fed announced Wednesday that it would shuffle $400 billion of its own bond holdings in hopes of reducing interest rates on long-term loans, a plan known as Operation Twist.
美联储本周三宣布,其将延长4000亿美元国债持有期限,以期降低长期银行贷款的利率,这即所谓的 美元扭曲操作 。
We said long-term bond prices could fall as much as 10%.
Long-term bond issues have become scarce and American money-market funds, hitherto buyers of short-term bank bills, are running scared.
The first and most recent development is the steepening of the U. S. Treasury yield curve and the rise of intermediate and long-term bond yields.
The design of medium and long-term Treasury bond futures contracts mainly includes the design of underlying assets, margins, daily price limits and position limits, etc.
Xu Song: We think that is a good opportunity to present the bond market has long-term investment value.
The traditional form of long-term lending is the bond.
A long-term bond with a low interest rate, often issued by a less developed country, that gives the buyer the right of exemption from taking part in any subsequent rescheduling.
Since the early 1990s when all the local bond markets crumbled, some relevant authorities have imposed strict restriction upon the long-term regular bond issued by corporations.
In a world of 7% long-term bond rates, we'd certainly want to think we were discounting the after-tax stream of cash at a rate of at least 10%.
Manager: Yes, of course. We offer it to all our customers. Our Savings Bond program offers our highest rate of interest for long-term savers.
Inflation worries also are lifting Japan's long-term bond yields, which influence rates for corporate loans and home mortgages.
The longer the maturity of the bond, the greater is the risk of loss because long-term bond prices are more volatile than shorter-term issues.
The longer the maturity of the bond, the greater is the risk of loss because long-term bond prices are more volatile than shorter-term issues.