After 10 years, however, that additional risk disappeared, and benefits to longevity later in life offset those initial heightened risks, the researchers concluded.
The bad news is that with extra longevity comes increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
That suggests current tests for the risks of diseases of aging are incomplete, as they do not take into account these longevity-associated genes that may override that risk.
The study indicates that, not only does oral contraception not increase risk for disease or death, but it may provide some protection and even increase longevity for women.
Marriage is thought to have a number of health benefits, including greater longevity, less stress, and a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and depression.
Heart disease accounts for a large enough proportion of all deaths that any factor that promotes exceptional longevity almost inevitably must lead to decreased risk of cardiac death.
We tested the hypothesis that common haplogroups predict risk of ischemic cardiovascular disease, morbidity from other causes, mortality, and longevity in a general population of European descent.
Mitochondrial haplogroups defined by common polymorphisms have been associated with risk of disease and longevity.
Abstract: As the extension of the population's life expectancy, the systemic longevity risk is drawing more and more attention from the researchers and the insurance industry.
In that severely obese population, if one considers the longevity of the patient, the low risk of the procedure bariatric surgery, than bariatric surgery should be performed.
Abstract: Longevity risk has become one of the major risk factors faced by insurance companies.
In order to effectively manage longevity risk, we can use many methods such as policy term, product portfolio, reinsurance, longevity bond and financial derivatives, to control and prerent the risk.
Pension plans and insurance companies that want to hedge their longevity risk need to find counterparties - investors who are happy to take on that risk.
Longevity is known to be primarily a matter of environment - for example, wh ether a person eats a healthy diet, or engages in risk-laden behaviour such as smoking.
Longevity is known to be primarily a matter of environment - for example, wh ether a person eats a healthy diet, or engages in risk-laden behaviour such as smoking.