The results of the analysis show that the highway longitudinal grade had little influence on pavement performance.
The existing highway design criterion only takes setting pavement longitudinal grade, side ditch and drainage ditch into account in order to eliminate surface water.
By analyzing the relationship between speed loss, speed discount in different gradient and grade length, the paper also brings forward the maximum longitudinal gradient and grade length limit.
So the relationship between longitudinal gradient, grade length limit, vertical curve and safety is analyzed, which can be referred to improve the safety and optimize the profile design.
The emphasis of montane highway design is vertical alignment's design, there are usually two controls parameters: concessional maximal longitudinal and concessional maximal length of grade.
Longitudinal reinforcement (reinforcement ratio) and the stirrup strength grade contribute little to the improvement of horizontal bearing capacity. It can be collocated by configuration. For R.
The results of batch manufacture grade X80 spiral and longitudinal submerged arc welded pipe all meet the pipe technical conations required by"Grade X80 Pipeline Steel Pipe Application Project";
The results of batch manufacture grade X80 spiral and longitudinal submerged arc welded pipe all meet the pipe technical conations required by"Grade X80 Pipeline Steel Pipe Application Project";