Because when people feel ownership of something, they look out for it, protect it, and pour themselves into it.
It's the moment of uncertainty, when you have to look inside yourself to keep going, and pull out something you didn't know you had before.
This also has a negative impact on the readers as almost all of them look out for something simple on the web.
And, I have something to look forward to: my hair growing out again so I can see the reddish-blonde curls softly falling around my shoulders instead of on the floor in little puffs.
So when you roll out of bed, you have something you look forward to doing that day, even if that's volunteering or it's time taking care of a grandchild or a niece or a nephew or whatever it might be.
A more likely scenario might look something like this: you send out multiple copies of your resume to several different positions that have hundreds of other applicants.
Owners will look out over something that looks more like a cluster of office buildings (apart from a couple of grey chimneys) than a power plant.
If you've ever been stumped with the predicament of how to make something stand out more, stand out less, or nearly disappear, take a look at using blurs in different ways.
For example, suppose you want the actor to carry out a couple of different actions in response to messages sent; the new implementation would look something similar to Listing 2.
Speeding out of the harbour and taking a last look at Kimmirut makes for something of a bizarre sight. Tradition and technology sit side-by-side in unexpected ways.
Of course, the first thing to do is look at the disk as raw bytes. It starts out with something that looks a little like configuration for a boot loader.
She bandied no more words with him, but hurried away, reaching her own door quite out of breath. There was something in the man's look which frightened her.
Harry: Last night, I discovered something wonderful. It was a wake-up call, a way to look at myself and what I really want out of life.
If Pluto's looking for someone - or something - to blame for being drummed out of the planetary corps back in 2006, it need look no further than Eris.
That's the kind of URL that we could read out over the phone and that doesn't look like we dropped something on the keyboard while composing ane-mail message.
这是一种我们可以通过电话读出来的、而且似乎在写一封e -mail消息时不会遗漏什么东西的URL。
"I read, I write, I look out of the window and I meet nice people all the time. There's always something to do on trains," muller told German TV station SWR in an interview.
So if more of the information flows between machines, this is something you′re going to have to look out for more and more.
In short, to look for something to do, the human disease is sometimes out of the doldrums.
It might look like something out of a Marvel comic but this flying jeep is close to becoming a reality.
There must something to look forward to each day to brighten one's life and keep it out of shadows.
Unless the boss can pull something out of thin air and borrow a lot of money by Friday, we'll have to go into bankruptcy and I'll have to look for other work.
For something to look forward to, find ways to get out of the house a little more for the time being.
It does, however, look like something straight out of the future.
It does, however, look like something straight out of the future.