It may seem at first like it's just one three-and-a-half-minute-long piece, but if you keep looking and going further, there's no shortage of rabbit holes to go down.
Writing down each step of an action plan and attacking it one step at a time without looking to the next step is amazing.
The Federal Reserve is now looking at depressing long-term rates, and it is not at all clear that they will hit any minimum boundary if or when they drive these rates down.
Looking down at the circle in the dirt, Bob says, "Everything moves in circles.".. it is an interesting idea, even though I am not ready to believe it.
As I remember it was as if I did nothing these days except looking after cows on the hill and lay down at home.
As I remember, it was as if I did nothing these days except looking after cows on the hill and lay down at home.
This week I stumbled upon Sarah Palin's Alaska by looking it up in the TV directory and sitting down on the couch at the time it started so I could view it.
9A view looking down at a full water bucket suspended below a helicopter before it is released over a forest fire near the settlement of Kustarevka, Russia on August 10, 2010. (REUTERS/Denis Sinyakov)
Besides that, it just comes down to get people using it, realizing the best patterns from looking at the common usage, and fixing bugs.
The time you take in all you've made, just by giving life attention, and how your glad you didn't waste it, by looking down at some invention.
Is it all over? She asked, looking down at my face. Have you cried your grief away?
Soul immediately went out of my body in which it used to dwell, stood beside the bed where the body was laying, looking down at the body, coldly, and mockingly.
They believe that if there are 50 pages of content to learn, need to do is sit down and "shut down" the brain thinking, looking at books on word of it.
Looking straight down at a house plant on the floor often makes it appear tall, and it really might not be.
If instead of looking at it from the top down, we look at it from the transaction up, it is much easier to understand.
He held it firmly by one corner as he turned and went hastily back to his place in the crowd. where he stood a little apart from his family. not looking down at his hand.
It IS a long tail, certainly, 'said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse's tail;' but why do you call it sad?
I've been working all my life and I think it is about time I settle down or at least start looking.
While they were looking at it, I felt this vibration on my side. I reached down to grab it and realized there was no BlackBerry there.
I would please myself with the hopes of it, and after looking at it steadily, till I was almost blind, would lose it quite, and sit down and weep like a child, and thus increase my misery by my folly.
Every day he went out fishing. Once, as he was sitting with his rod, looking at the clear water, his line suddenly went down, and when he drew it up again he brought out a large Golden fish.
After some time, sitting 17 nonchalantly looking back at us, it rises elegantly, pauses, then 18 bounds effortlessly down the trunk before disappearing into the bush.
It rolls over sharp crests, and one second you are looking at the sky and the next you are staring straight down at the ground.
Is it all over? She asked, looking down at my face.
It 's a typical posture of looking up and down at each other. This manner is amicable, but the atmosphere is none of relaxation.
It 's a typical posture of looking up and down at each other. This manner is amicable, but the atmosphere is none of relaxation.