I'm looking for information about Sydney on the Internet.
I am looking for information about internships.
I'm looking for information about Chinese cooking.
He did a lot of research and travelled around the USA looking for information about his ancestors.
They are spending their time online looking for information about suppliers, products, components, and services.
You've seen how to inspect the HDFS, but if you're looking for information about Hadoop's operation, you'll find the Web interfaces useful.
您已经知道如何检查HD FS了,但是如果要寻找Hadoop的操作的相关信息,会发现web界面很有用。
It's why looking for information about Net neutrality requires clicking around for three hours, since each site is written by some dude who knows as little as you do.
In other words, search differentiates between looking for what exists on a particular subject versus looking for a particular piece of information that you already know about.
Given the current interest in the swine flu, a lot of users are obviously looking for general information about it, which could easily skew Google's algorithms.
Sometimes the hardest part about research is just getting started. Two places to begin looking for information are in library sources and on the Web.
If you have only recently learned about trading and are looking for more information, please read the report up to the end.
I'm looking for some information about home stay.
There are thousands of people looking to the web for real estate information about every community in the country.
The more you know about Internet research, the faster you will find what you are looking for, and the better your information will do.
Excuse me, I'm looking for some information about sharks, but I don't know how to use the computer to find this information.
Good conversationalists listen with their eyes, looking for body language or changes in mood that provide information about the other person's interest level in the conversation.
If you have this product and you are able to supply us, please contact and we'll give you more information about what we're looking for.
I spent hours on the Internet last night browsing through music websites looking for the latest information about Madonna.
If a reader is looking for a quick reference guide on World War II aircraft, this slightly oversized book gives basic information about and a good idea of what a particular aircraft looked like.
Are you looking for some information about the baby photography.
While I was digging around the web looking for more information on Monsanto, I stumbled across this page about spermicidal corn and population control. She cites the following two chilling articles ?
Albert: I am looking for some information about home stay.
Not too long ago, the prevailing view was that the Net was about looking up information, or that it was a medium for interpersonal communication, a replacement for the telephone or post office.
I am looking for some information about science on the Internet.
I am looking for some information about science on the Internet.