Having fine-tuned an unsecured retail lending model for emerging market conditions, Home Credit is now looking at a venture that could alter the whole profile of the business - by moving into Asia.
Embraer has been looking to tap into the fast growing market.
Looking ahead, Singapore seems particularly dicey, because 8.3m square feet (770,000 square metres) of new office space will be coming into the market by 2013.
In April it bought Medison, a South Korean maker of ultrasound equipment, as a way to get further into the market: it is looking at buying body-scanner firms too.
If looking the contacted point between corporation and market as a border, we can divide the labor market into two parts: the internal labor market and the external labor market.
We both know that we're here today because your company is looking for a local springboard to bolster your dive into the local market.
They're a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market. Naturally, your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately.
At the same time the company to bring their products into the market, and developed a comprehensive service system, the broad masses of agents looking at home and abroad.
At the same time the company to bring their products into the market, and developed a comprehensive service system, the broad masses of agents looking at home and abroad.