Those executives would likely leave, lopping decades of experience and expertise off the top of the company.
But after some editorial lopping it's no wonder Jenkins concludes that swine flu was greeted with "pandemonium".
It has asserted its authority in some border towns by lopping off limbs or even the heads of men they accuse of fighting against them.
I accepted his apology instead of lopping off his head, and he redoubled his efforts at perfecting our service, going above and beyond.
More celebrities than ever are lopping off their long locks every day, and so the normal womans temptation for a dramatic change is inevitable.
In the lopping off, the field begins to wobble and one may feel quite ill if one has expanded far enough to feel the unconscious dance of the media.
Maintains and CARES for trees and shrubs by lopping limbs and shaping branches, treating trees with fertilisers and insecticides, removing dead or decaying trees, and advising on general tree care.
Maintains and CARES for trees and shrubs by lopping limbs and shaping branches, treating trees with fertilisers and insecticides, removing dead or decaying trees, and advising on general tree care.