Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
Lose not time, be always employed in something useful, cut off all unnecessary actions.
"Come, come," said the Little Man, "do not lose time over a donkey that can weep."
In order not to make them lose trust in you, find some proper time to tell them what you really often do and like to do.
This is not the time to lose heart.
Really good poker players play close to their best all the time and they're not really bothered when they lose; I think that's true in markets too.
This process can however take a long time and the age at which you start to lose hair does not necessarily provide any clues as to how long it will be until you define yourself as bald.
Believe it or not your bra needs time to "bounce back" so it doesn't lose its holding power.
Why do you have to lose so much time with your stupid PC games am I not important enough Why do you prefer to play games than spend time with me Are you listening?
I'm not going to lose any time. I'm going directly.
Business value time to live: Some messages lose their business value if they are not processed within a short period of time.
Good news at last, it seems, and not before time: sterling is beginning to lose a bit of its competitive edge against the euro as Europe's troubles pile up.
If someone enters the room while one is watching television — a friend, a relative, a child, someone, perhaps, one has not seen for some time — one must continue to watch or one will lose the thread.
He only helps others when he has something to lose by not doing so, making Mad Max one of the most beloved anti-heroes of all time.
The most dangerous way to lose time is not to spend it having fun, but to spend it doing fake work.
Women say that it is difficult to lose weight, because they do not have time to prepare healthy meals.
If you transfer at any other time, you will not lose your rewards.
It should be a date that is in the not-too-distant future, lest you lose your motivation, but one far enough away that you've had time to lay the groundwork.
If you are not normally active, try jogging for just fifteen minutes each day. This can burn from 145 to 180 calories, and will help you lose weight over time.
如果你常常不活动,可以试试每天十五分钟慢跑,这样可以烧掉145 ~ 180卡路里,达到减肥的目的。
At the same time, we must not lose sight of the many challenges facing China-ROK business cooperation in the complex and ever-changing global economic environment.
This is not a good time to lose my job.
M: Well, let's not lose any time.
For most, this is not the time to switch companies... or lose a job. But many will be forced to, through no fault of their own.
But now it is time to transform all of that into positive results, knowing that to win or lose is not down to coincidence.
E. seal with good weather resistance, and long time not lose viscosity and mechanical strength.
“That's the only time I ever a saw a monsignor lose it,” he says. “Obviously, I remember it because it was unbelievable. Thankfully, it's not that common.”
When you lose hope, when you despair, when you blame people all the time, when you do not even want to try and persevere, then you choose to make life meaningless for yourself.
Of course, the boss can justifiably go to customer complaints, but he knew that if to do so, not only wasting their own time, but also so will never lose this client.
In a Ponzi scheme, not all investors lose. The first investors gain much. Those who manage to get out in time retain their investments and some of their gains.
In a Ponzi scheme, not all investors lose. The first investors gain much. Those who manage to get out in time retain their investments and some of their gains.