Best of all, you don't lose the use of your computer.
The civilized man have build a coach, but have lose the use of his feet.
The idea of the brain as a muscle – "use it or lose it" – is far from established; the evidence for the benefits of "brain training" software, or doing the crossword daily, remains patchy.
You must not slip into providing dedicated exposure mechanisms for each consumer or you will fall back to SIMM level 3 and lose the re-use and decoupling benefits of true mature services.
Being bilingual or learning languages preserves brain function and lowers the risk of dementia, and the "use it or lose it" theory also has proven benefits.
A successful South African entrepreneur during the dotcom era, he wants open-source zealots to lose their religion and concentrate on ease-of-use instead.
Regardless of the details, though, this would appear to be a clear case of "use it or lose it".
Players in the game to know to use skills, even lose and no contact, so to be able to make themselves more deepen the experience of how to use the game skills.
So if we re-use the same bucket, we lose the links, so that the brigade now jumps over any data between the two instances of it.
Use about 1/10 kg. of rice and 6 dates for each dumpling. The dates must be covered by the rice so that they won't lose too much syrup in cooking.
Your paper must use MMS and your approved thesis statement. Papers that do not use MMS or the approved thesis statement will lose 50% of the essay grade.
Stone cage network is the use of many of the toughness of the low carbon steel wire is better, as long as the long soak in the water, it will rust, slowly will lose its role.
His urban counterparts, and the utilities that serve them, may seem unimportant in terms of the amounts of water they use and lose.
By using an insulating felt, the utility model not only effectively reduces the heat lose but also effectively isolates a heating body from a shell to lead the use of products to be more safer.
No one likes to lose, but if you are at all competitive you will use the next attempt and the experience of coming up short to win.
Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may make plants use water more efficiently in some parts of the world (they will lose less moisture during photosynthesis).
Before did not use this kind of method to lose weight, most of the girls had no history dysmenorrhea, such costs are unexpected.
Disobedience may mean we lose the sense of God's presence but he is still with us and will use every means possible to bring us back into blessing.
Every time my mother took me out shopping, she always use the only be full of years trace hand hold my hand, her hand always grabs hold my hand, I was afraid to lose it.
Properly use rational control of the love, good has nothing to lose, without love like crazy, disadvantages.
As the case that lose is short of related information, if change, Microsoft support puts forward to dog if the function is usable, can use so change relevantly with the watch dog.
In the information times, CAD provides the conditions of use and convenience. If man is infatuated with software tools or depends on it, man will lose the new thought of the creation.
The "flexible array" hack keeps the spatial locality (that is has the allocated memory in a contiguous block to the rest of the structure), which you lose when you are forced to use dynamic memory.
With the passage of time, or after extended use, the Toshiba Cards may lose some or all of its functionality, including reading, writing and deletion of data.
The emerging science of neuroplasticity, which studies how our brains change and adapt, is revealing that, as with muscles, it's a case of "use it or lose it, " he adds.
神经可塑性学科是一门新兴学科,研究大脑如何变化和调整。 该学科发现,与肌肉一样,大脑的情况也属于“非用即失”。
The emerging science of neuroplasticity, which studies how our brains change and adapt, is revealing that, as with muscles, it's a case of "use it or lose it, " he adds.
神经可塑性学科是一门新兴学科,研究大脑如何变化和调整。 该学科发现,与肌肉一样,大脑的情况也属于“非用即失”。