The DOE team hopes this breakthrough in understanding will similarly open the floodgates on superconductor research, culminating in room temperature materials that move power with no loss of energy.
UBS, a bank, predicts that finding energy-saving technologies to counter the potential loss of nuclear power will imbue Japan with a new creative mission.
Therefore, auto power line layout and to science, otherwise will also cause additional loss of energy.
The operation of unbalanced three-phase loads of distribution network will increase power loss.
When submersible pumps for wells have qualified efficiency, the high head and flow of impellers will generate reactive power loss.
The line loss index will straight affect the economic benefits of electric power enterprises.
Others will experience this as a loss of power as they learn to align with their true source of inner power and any external power sources will be removed.
It will see the end of their power base, and the loss of their ability to dictate the future to the whole world.
In the course of transmission and distribution, power transmission and electromagnetic energy conversion is achieved through the current, the current through the wires will have a loss.
Thus the debasement of the currencies will continue making Gold more and more attractive as a hedge against the dwindling purchasing power and the loss of faith and confidence in paper currencies.
This paper presents that pumping power change of Nd: YAG laser will induce not only gain change but also loss change.
The turbojet blowout will result in a loss of power with serious consequences.
Overall energy loss not less than 140 last year when the total amount of nuclear power is too watt, for Germany, the only good news is for these nuclear power station will not immediately disappear.
Any power loss will trigger IO to stop, backup of hardened data, firehose dump and node shutdown.
Abstract: : with the power grid issued each year that the task of increasing power supply, ensure security bring important loads of power network loss will increase greatly.
摘要:随着电网每年下达保证供电任务的增多, ,保障重要负荷安全所带来的电网损耗将急剧增加。
Loss of chip POWER will result in complete loss of all RTC register contents.
Loss of chip POWER will result in complete loss of all RTC register contents.