Yoga can reduce stress levels. But anyone who thinks they are going to get in shape sitting in the lotus position or any other pose is deluded.
The Buddha sits in the meditative Lotus position, imitating the shape of a pyramid.
That does not mean sitting in the lotus position and chanting but may mean going for a walk.
Japhy was sitting in the full lotus position, it's called, with both ankles over both thighs.
"No one taught him," remembers Nadezhda, "but he somehow got into the habit of sitting in the lotus position, and just listen to him!"
Yesterday, she got into a lotus position with her legs behind her back and pushed her legs further down her back as she lent backwards.
Finally, a self-mummifying monk would lock himself in a stone tomb barely larger than his body, where he would not move from the lotus position.
It doesn't require sitting in uncomfortable lotus positions. We sit on a chair in a comfortable upright position (but if you wish to, you can sit on the floor or on a meditation cushion).
Under his leadership, the Lotus software product sales and professional and technical services have significant growth and strong market leadership position.
Under his leadership, the Lotus software product sales and professional and technical services have significant growth and strong market leadership position.