Who is in love is immortal, in marriage in the superman.
The basic element of love is to believe that love is immortal.
Is immortal, even for a moment is fleeting that we love.
We are immortal, even for a moment is fleeting that we love.
The essence of the love is a kind of ability to create immortal life and to integrate invariable things into the world of life (being).
The love is the most pure in the world, and the most warm too, the love is not only the limitless one but also immortal, everybody has love, everybody will grow up under the care of the love too.
Nothing is immortal, such as love.
Is immortal, even for a moment is fleeting that we love.
Love is one of the precious feelings of human beings, which is known as the immortal theme of literary works.
Is love a fancy or a feeling? No. It is immortal as immaculate truth.
All I want is the eternal youth and the immortal love.
The flight of time deepens the understanding of Ode to Leisure, and people have come to know that it is the bailment, leisure and love that create this classical works and make it immortal.
陶渊明的《闲情赋》历来褒贬不一 ,在经历了历史的沉淀和淘洗后 ,人们对《闲情赋》的认识也在不断深化和明确 ,逐步认识到爱情造就了《闲情赋》 ,并使之不朽。
The flight of time deepens the understanding of Ode to Leisure, and people have come to know that it is the bailment, leisure and love that create this classical works and make it immortal.
陶渊明的《闲情赋》历来褒贬不一 ,在经历了历史的沉淀和淘洗后 ,人们对《闲情赋》的认识也在不断深化和明确 ,逐步认识到爱情造就了《闲情赋》 ,并使之不朽。