There is no reason to love the people who live next door to you, just because they happen to wander into a real estate office that listed the place next door to yours.
On-screen she was America's girl next door, but Hepburn led a varied — and sometimes turbulent — love life.
You must see first that there is love at home and at your next-door neighbour's and in the street you live in, in the town you live in and only then outside.
Christ - by your making your own home a home of peace and joy and love, through your thoughtfulness for all and everyone in your family and your next - door neighbour.
Shop next door to hotel - love the walkway!
Chen's next film, a psychological thriller called "Door" directed by Li Shaohong, will have nothing to do with love.
Give love to your children, to your wife or husband; to a next-door neighbor... let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.
Give love to your children, to your wife or husband; to a next-door neighbor... let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.