Objective To investigate the optimal extraction technology of low methoxyl pectin from shaddock peel.
The methyl- esterification reaction of low -methoxyl pectin with methylalcohol by the presence of some catalysts was observed .
Index on gel time and gel strength - the effect of single-factor test indicated that AGAR, gelatin, sodium alginate and low methoxyl pectin could gel yoghurt effectively.
In this studies, the gelling characteristics and effect factors of low methoxyl pectin (LMP) were researched with the X-T21 Texture Analyser.
以X - T 21型质构仪为主要研究设备,重点研究了低酯果胶凝胶性能和相关影响因素。
The results showed that to feed batch culture can enhance enzyme productivity by 7.0 % with high methoxyl pectin as substrate, and by 2 3.5 % with low methoxyl pectin as substrate.
结果表明:通过分批补料对酶产率有提高,以高酯果胶为底物酶产率提高7.0 % ,以低酯果胶为底物酶产率提高2 3.5 % ;
The pectin in most plants is the high methoxyl pectin, so the low-methoxy pectin has to be prepared by reducing the degree of esterification.
The pectin in most plants is the high methoxyl pectin, so the low-methoxy pectin has to be prepared by reducing the degree of esterification.