It is now 23.2% higher than last year's low-point against the dollar, 46.7% higher against the euro, and 65% up against the tumbling pound.
Given it fell by almost half in the half-year prior to March's low-point, you might think that's fair enough: the sharper the fall, the more dramatic the bounce-back.
In neither situation above, our blood can reach the point so high or so low in temperature.
For some, it’s a real low point, so much so that depression can hit and times can get pretty dire.
I hesitate to say "low point" as I now understand that apparently some people choose this way of living.
Uneven performance for jobs in the months both before and after the absolute low point in the labor market is not uncommon.
Every journey has its low point, and ours was the granary of France, known as the Beauce.
But retirement ages were actually higher after the second world war than they are now, and edged down to a low point around 1990, before starting to rise again.
I took the job at a particularly low point in my life.
The growth that followed the low point of the Depression was primarily due to productivity.
When it fails, it has reduced the distorted pattern's energy level to a spurious local low point.
The year of gridlock reached a low point in the midsummer showdown over the federal debt ceiling.
It's in the past. It was a low point, and it led to disaster.
Rio's have doubled in price since January and almost trebled from their low point late last year.
It was a low point, and it led to disaster.
Puzzlingly, the last solar cycle, which ended recently, had an especially long and weak low point that scientists had difficulty explaining.
Growth of 0.6% in the first quarter appears to have marked the low point in the current cycle.
Over the weeks and months, they killed off their remaining dogs (cutting their throats to save on ammunition), and at one particularly low point were forced to eat a porridge made of canine blood.
The West’s moral authority is at a correspondingly low point.
Oil prices have more than doubled from the low point they hit in the spring, but are still around half the all-time high of nearly $150 a barrel they reached in early summer last year.
Low point: "The most devastating thing was when my mum died."
If you are at a low point in your marriage, be extra careful not to give in to the tendency to rewrite history and convince yourself that the positives were never there in the first place.
If you are at a low point in your marriage, be extra careful not to give in to the tendency to rewrite history and convince yourself that the positives were never there in the first place.