The water resistant low formaldehyde content urea-formaldehyde resin was prepared by adding hydrophobic resin and formaldehyde collecting agent.
Environmentally friendly products - all materials comply with national environmental standards, very low formaldehyde content, product also features natural wood aroma.
The formaldehyde content of wort can be decreased if the malt, adjunct and enzyme was selected with low formaldehyde content and low polyphenol index, and the boiling degree was controled reasonably.
In this paper, discussion and investigation were given to the synthetization of etherified hexmethylol melamine with low formaldehyde content. Also , were developed rational technological conditions.
Improvement on synthesis process and additives was made to develop a new type of resin binder with low content of formaldehyde, high strength and low costs.
Influence of methanol content in formaldehyde used as raw material for preparing low-formaldehyde (low molecular ratio) UF resin was studied.
This paper introduced a preparation of modified polyvinyl formal adhesive. The adhesive has advantage of low free formaldehyde content, good viscosity stability and low temperature storage stability.
The adhesive has advantage of low free formaldehyde content, good viscosity stability and low temperature storage stability.
A novel method for producing urea formaldehyde resin with intensive viscidity, high solid content and low toxicity is introduced in this report.
A novel method for producing urea formaldehyde resin with intensive viscidity, high solid content and low toxicity is introduced in this report.