Coal prices also are low, owing to oversupply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which bums half of the world's coal.
Coal prices also are low, owing to over-supply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which burns half of the world's coal.
With the low-skilled labor market atomized into thousands of microeconomics, immobile workers are less able to demand better wages or conditions or to acquire valuable skills.
And with the low-skilled labor market atomized into thousands of microeconomics, immobile workers are less able to demand better wages or conditions or to acquire valuable skills.
During periods of low demand, jockey pumps are used to meet these lower water flow requirements.
This matters, because at low levels of income rapid growth is synonymous with large increases in demand for raw materials.
Is it "cyclical," a problem of low demand, which more money could solve?
Although stocks of most farm commodities remain alarmingly low, and demand continues to grow, the increasing evidence of a strong supply response has helped to push prices down.
That huge demand for U.S. debt, in turn, helped to fuel the U.S. 's housing and credit booms by keeping the cost of borrowing at unusually low levels.
In an economy constrained by low interest rates, a stubborn trade deficit and natural demand for the world's reserve currency, there is little to cushion the blow of austerity.
Exports have been growing at an annual rate of more than 20 percent but analysts expect that may fall as low as zero in coming months as global demand weakens, AP reported.
In the past, the general public tend to think the demand for non-governmental schools only comes from high-income urban families instead of low-income rural areas.
Investors are at the mercy of currency fluctuations and jewellery demand - which remains low, particularly in India, the world's largest consumer of gold.
Still, the fed seems to have contributed to the booming demand for housing and other assets by keeping the federal funds rate artificially low during the boom years of 2003-05.
However, for the purposes of this article, I recommend converting all your source videos to 320x240 to keep the demand on system resources low.
"Flow switching works fairly well for fairly large demand - if you have users who need a lot of bandwidth and want low delay through the network," Gerstel says.
"If all of a sudden people would demand lower salt because low salt makes them look younger, this problem would be solved overnight," he said.
This freedom allows the it firms to squeeze a profit even out of the low prices Indian customers demand.
This is not because of low demand.
Falling global demand and a dire shortage of electricity are to blame, as well as other inefficiencies that make it increasingly hard for Pakistan to compete in low-cost markets.
There are valid reasons for providing low-cost housing in the countryside, but simple demand isn't one of them.
We've set the head of the demand with dramatically low cost for the last 8 years.
In it, he argued that the future of business is to sell less of more. The main premise is that collectively, things that are in rather low demand can amount to quite large volumes.
In it, he argued that the future of business is to sell less of more. The main premise is that collectively, things that are in rather low demand can amount to quite large volumes.