I'm kind of low on cash, anyone mind if I do some table banking?
Firms worried about future sales, low on cash and deprived of credit, may too readily fire workers without a subsidy.
But now an inventor has solved the problem with a set of 'smart' wallets that actually tell you when you are low on cash.
He also insists on strong cash flows, high returns on capital and low debt.
Investors are enthusiastic about buying fixed-income assets, even though yields are low by historical standards and the returns on cash (particularly in America and Britain) are as attractive.
It's one of the cheapest times to borrow but it's not as if consumers are flocking to cash in on low interest rates.
But at the same time, the cash flow on your assets eventually starts to re-price and match the low-rate environment.
With the pound at a multidecade low and British banks requiring ever-larger injections of taxpayer cash, it is no wonder that observers have started to refer to London as “Reykjavik-on-Thames.”
Don't worry. The property prices there are very low. If you sell your present flat, you can afford a huge house there with lots of cash on hand.
The RBI can only cash secretly kind of work, and wages have jobs than low CARDS on a lot of it.
Investors are betting on a vibrant recovery. With returns on cash so low, they have little choice.
Yes, I know the savings account interest rates are insanely low right now, but having at least six months of expenses in readily accessible cash can save you a lot of hassle on a rainy day.
On the other hand, firms should focus more on maintaining low cash flow volatility by financial derivatives to produce smoothing earnings and finally enhance the firm value.
Low temperature stress is one of the main obstacle factors influencing the normal growth of plants. The plant resistance to cold, especially cash crops, has direct impact on the crop production.
Monica and Rachel, low on funds, make cookies to give instead of cash as holiday tips to the paperboy, the mailman, the superintendent, etc.
Monica and Rachel, low on funds, make cookies to give instead of cash as holiday tips to the paperboy, the mailman, the superintendent, etc.