As an initial stage on the process of foamed nickel preparation, a layer with low phosphorus content nickel deposit is applied on polyurethane foam substrate as a conducting layer.
Scale and corrosion can be restrained effectively by treating circulating water by the reagent prescribed low phosphorus content and highly anti-scale and anti-corrosion components.
The results indicate that microcrystalline deposit with low phosphorus content has higher hardness, modulus and fatigue resistance than the amorphous deposit with high phosphorus content.
Using water treatment agents containing low content phosphorus to reduce phosphorus discharge is an effective way for preventing phosphorus pollution.
Most plants in the temperate zone have relatively high content in phosphorus while the calcium content is relatively low. Some plants have an abundant collection of iron and manganese.
The analytical data revealed that the potential fertility of the dryland soils was rather low, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in soil were deficient on the whole.
This thesis is about research and discussion of purification of yellow phosphorus off-gas at low temperature and low oxygen content.
This thesis is about research and discussion of purification of yellow phosphorus off-gas at low temperature and low oxygen content.