The soft base strengthened by low strength of concrete piles can make the soil dense, raise the stiffness and decrease the deformation.
This paper introduces the test results and calculative method by using the composite foundation of sand-stone pile and concrete pile with low strength.
It should be considered in examining the concrete of low strength grades.
The effect of revibration for low fluidity concrete is not well, which reduces strength of concrete.
Such as sand not clean (mud high content), sand the fineness modulus too high or too low, also can make the strength of concrete is reduced, and the water increased.
The pile of low strength concrete (LC pile) has very extensive applied foreground because of its working principle AD economic factor.
This paper studies the reasons for low strength of post- placed aggregate concrete, and points oat that great bleeding is the main reason for low strength of the concrete.
As we all know, the use of phosphorous slag powder(PSP)as admixture can lead to some adverse effects in concrete performance, such as low early strength and prolonged setting times.
Permeability test of concrete which surface is treated by reinforcing agent prove that it can improve durability of low strength concrete effectively.
With low penetration, the spalling of high strength concrete (HSC) at elevated temperatures which seriously affect the performance of reinforce concrete structure might occur.
Suitable for winter construction of construction engineering and normal temperature and low temperature condition construction has the early strength of concrete engineering requirements.
The pile of low strength concrete(LC pile) has very extensive applied foreground because of its working principle and economic factor.
The shear behaviors of the low strength brick masonry wall strengthened with the self-compacting reinforce concrete wall have been discussed by 6 experimental models.
The high performance concrete for core wall of earth dam must be good workability, low early strength, high final strength, high seepage resistance, low elasticity modulus and high tensile strength.
Aiming at these defects, a kind of special mortar for plastering aerated concrete with good workability, good water retention, high bonding strength and low shrinkage ratio has been prepared.
As a new type of filling materials, the aerated concrete has the features of low density, low strength, good absorption of water and great contraction.
With test results of five specimens of exterior joints of rein- forced concrete frames subjected to low cyclic loading, the shear strength of these joints is discussed.
The result of the research indicates that the high performance concrete produced with this type of cement is of higher early and post strength and the electric flux of the concrete is low.
On the basis of experiment research, the internal force of high strength bolt joint area of steel beams and concrete walls within steel profiled bar was analyzed under the low period cyclic load.
High Performance cementitious material is specially used for high Performance concrete. Propetties of that are high strength, low water demand, low hydration heat and low shrinkage.
A formula is provided to calculate the compressive capacity of concrete block masonry when the mortar strength is very low.
First, the steel fiber reinforced concrete and the lightweight aggregate concrete can make up the deficiencies of common concrete such as low tensile strength and large dead weight.
The deterioration is accelerated because the strength grade of concrete is too low, depth of cover too thin, and drain off water unsuitable.
The concrete has the characteristics of large fluidity, low slump loss, and high early strength, and it is suitable for the highrise and long-span building structure.
Concrete is one of the brittle materials, which has low tensile strength, poor toughness and poor impact resistance.
The static load test in-situ and low-strain detection show that the bearing capacity of single pile meets design demand; pile integrity is good; concrete strength of pile reaches design value.
Sufficient compression strength and cold insulation coefficient must be reached for the cold insulation concrete foundation of a low temperature storage tank.
Defects of bad water retention, low bonding strength, easy cracking and bulging seriously impede extensive application of aerated concrete when common mortar is used for plastering aerated concrete.
The result shows that normal concrete with low strength after been high-performed is of good high performance.
The result shows that normal concrete with low strength after been high-performed is of good high performance.