Because TIG welded joints without filler wire always hold low strength and poor formation, tungsten inert gas welding process with filler wire is inevitable.
Low carbon steel for wire drawing has higher tensile strength in SGIS. The analysis showed that higher tensiles strength was mainly originated from the high content of Cu, As, Sn in steel.
The result shows that production of high strength screw bars is reasonable by the control rolling and control cooling process on high-speed wire mill with the capacity of low temperature rolling.
However, if the tyre is travelling at low tyre pressure condition, the rubber will be deformed, stretching more than the strength of the fibres and elasticity limit of the steel wire.
In the threaded holes to improve low-intensity body strength, the wire thread insert effect is obvious.
Submerged arc welding of high strength low alloy steel WDL610D is researched by using new developing welding wire WS03 and matching agglomerated flux SJ101.
Submerged arc welding of high strength low alloy steel WDL610D is researched by using new developing welding wire WS03 and matching agglomerated flux SJ101.