And those with low technological level of the company, it may only be repackaged outdated models to deceive consumers.
The designations "Loupes and Magnifying Glasses" and "Low Vision" did not measure up to the technological complexity and high-level solution of these product ranges.
Generally speaking, it has insufficiently developed, the proportion of output value, the technological level and customers' buying are all very low comparing with the heavy industry.
与重工业相比,轻工业发育不足,产值比率低,技术水平差, 市场占有率低。
Generally speaking, it has insufficiently developed, the proportion of output value, the technological level and customers' buying are all very low comparing with the heavy industry.
与重工业相比,轻工业发育不足,产值比率低,技术水平差, 市场占有率低。