Typical stoma clusters were existed on the lower epidermis of the middle part of grape leaves.
In Acorus both upper and lower epidermis cells are rectangle or rhombus, and the stomata apparatus are paracytic and arrange in rows along the veins.
MethodsThe scanning election microscope (SEM) was used to compare the characters of the original plant leaf lower epidermis of the commercial Flos Lonicera.
The results revealed that in trees closest to the Wi-Fi source the upper and lower epidermis (skin) of the leaves developed a metallic luster and began to die off.
Trees placed closest to the Wi-Fi radio demonstrated a "lead-like shine" on their leaves that was caused by the dying of the upper and lower epidermis of the leaves.
Trees placed closest to the Wi-Fi radio demonstrated a "lead-like shine" on their leaves that was caused by the dying of the upper and lower epidermis of the leaves.