The results shows that the 2009th edition appraised lowest-price in Xiamen is belong to the average-bid method, does not belong to the lowest-price tendering.
Lowest bid price method, value and function system analysis method were mostly used in evaluation of bid.
The lowest bid price method, as the internationally practiced architecture engineering bidding method, is widely adopted by the engineering projects in many countries and areas.
The author suggests the concept of the lowest bid price in bidding activities and expounds the lowest bid price according to the enterprise state of affairs and market conditions.
Abstract: in laws, there are two methods for appraising bid: synthetical appraising and winning bid at the lowest price by judgment, and the latter is criticized in practice.
This paper USES the game theory to study the reason why tenders choose the lowest price bidder's in the course of project bid invitation and bidding.
This paper USES the game theory to study the reason why tenders choose the lowest price bidder's in the course of project bid invitation and bidding.