In the lunchroom, they ate together.
It was resolved that our school has a lunchroom.
He tried to elbow me off the line in the lunchroom.
I am in your school, especially in the halls and the lunchroom.
The door of Henry's lunchroom opened and two men came in. They sat down at the counter.
Maxx, and use the bowl to display the fruit in a prominent, well-lit place in the lunchroom.
He had a different idea: he told the school lunchroom managers to buy an attractive bowl from t.
You wouldn't work out of the lunchroom, so the laptop on the kitchen table won't usually cut it.
Lunchroom conversations at reactors frequently turn to what operators would do in a severe emergency.
This social media has given bullying a new life far beyond fights in the school lunchroom or hallways.
It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.
The typical school district lunch budget must be self sustaining, which makes lunchroom managers understandably risk-averse.
If you get a chance, try and check out a few off the beaten path rooms such as a meeting room, lunchroom and even the washroom.
Teacher Cassie Krause knows by their lunchroom talk which of her students play video games, and many of them are her most outgoing in class.
For parents who want their children to grow up relatively unexposed to doubt, Darwin or indecent lunchroom chatter, home-schooling offers hope.
This general-purpose shelter is a combination tool shed, office, communications center, coffee room, lunchroom and general meeting place for the driller and his crew.
He received a chess set for his 13th birthday, and he quickly discovered that he was something of a prodigy, a fact he decided to hide so he wouldn't get beaten up in the lunchroom.
And that total must pay not only for ingredients, but for lunchroom staff, kitchen equipment, the manager's salary, and all the reports and other paperwork required by state auditors.
He had a different idea: he told the school lunchroom managers to buy an attractive bowl from T.J. Maxx, and use the bowl to display the fruit in a prominent, well-lit place in the lunchroom.
他有个不同的想法:他要学校餐厅的经理从T . J .Maxx采购了精美的大碗,用这些碗将水果陈列在餐厅光照良好且显眼的位置。
For example: "I think the spare office should be turned into a lunch room" versus "I think it should be a lunchroom because the downstairs cafeteria is always too crowded to find a place to sit."
For example: "I think the spare office should be turned into a lunch room" versus "I think it should be a lunchroom because the downstairs cafeteria is always too crowded to find a place to sit."