The lunula is the half-moon shaped pale area at the bottom of finger nails.
The lowest no observable effect concentrations (LNOEC) of Cu, Zn and Mn on the growth of Closterium lunula were found to be 31.
运用评价化学品毒性藻类测试的标准实验方法 ,得到铜、锌和锰对月形藻生长的最小无显著差异浓度 (LNOEC)分别为31。
The lowest no observable effect concentrations (LNOEC) of Cu, Zn and Mn on the growth of Closterium lunula were found to be 31.
运用评价化学品毒性藻类测试的标准实验方法 ,得到铜、锌和锰对月形藻生长的最小无显著差异浓度 (LNOEC)分别为31。