Green and luxuriant are the pines and cypresses.
Everywhere in bonsai garden is green and luxuriant with infinite vitality.
Record of the scene: Outside the residential high-rises, is a different picture of the green and luxuriant.
Above the Qiantang River, the picturesque Fuchun River stretches itself through the green and luxuriant hills and is said to resemble a clear jade ribbon.
The special beauty of Zhangjiajie in the winter, air and spectacular sea of clouds and the mountain is covered with green and luxuriant, green everywhere you feel good.
Too not consciously, raise some large green plants, these plants mostly greenery is luxuriant, pass photosynthesis, absorb carbon, and release oxygen, causes the closed-end office air becomes relaxed.
Lightweight, slatted walls delicately veil the light, and bamboo plants form a luxuriant green heart in the building's central courtyard.
Tourism in the region is rich in resources, the Hundred Regiments momentum magnificent monuments, Lion Mountain Park green and luxuriant forest, away from noise, back to nature;
In this area, the forest is green and luxuriant, the deep shade covers, the mountain spring flies straight, the river water is limpid and pure, without any pollution.
You are a tall tree, the node has been mature fruit, in your years under the old engraved on the ring, your side is a forest green and luxuriant rise !
You are a tall tree, the node has been mature fruit, in your years under the old engraved on the ring, your side is a forest green and luxuriant rise !