Mace Windu would later lament the poor decision.
MACE WINDU: For your own good, you stay out of this conflict.
Sewing distrust among the Jedi, she claimed allegiance to Mace Windu.
Anakin and Mace Windu lie prone in one of the crew pits of the Star Destroyer bridge.
Though Asajj was outmatched and fled, Mace Windu reported this new threat to the Jedi Council.
He rushed to the Chancellor's office, to discover that Mace Windu was about to kill the Sith Lord.
Those in the Jedi Council, including Mace Windu, grew increasingly suspicious of Palpatine's motives.
Other than Mace Windu, they followed a clone commander that had armor similar to that of a clone paratrooper.
He extended an invitation to parley with the Jedi Council, and Mace Windu, Bulq's old sparring-partner, soon arrived on Ruul.
It granted him inhuman dexterity and speed, agility enough to quickly kill three Jedi Masters and force the mighty Mace Windu back.
For a time, the name was spoken in Episode III by Mace Windu, " We have had contact with Baron Papanoida, and he said no one was there."
Had it not been for the intervention of Jedi Master Mace Windu, Vos would surely have committed an act that would have sent him to the dark side.
Anakin Skywalker was the first to pilot this new model, though other Jedi soon followed in his path, including Tiin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu.
The exact locations are unknown, but Mace Windu stated that it was separated into the farthest reaches of the galaxy, making Outer Rim systems likely choices.
He even helped Mace Windu perfect the art of vaapad, the seventh form of lightsaber combat so intense and dangerous, that to practice it was to tread perilously close to the dark side.
The mighty warrior not only advised the highest office of the Republic, but was also part of the Jedi taskforce assembled by Mace Windu to rescue captives from the Separatist stronghold on Geonosis.
The mighty warrior not only advised the highest office of the Republic, but was also part of the Jedi taskforce assembled by Mace Windu to rescue captives from the Separatist stronghold on Geonosis.