In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
For instance, it takes you to a page of machine code and does not open in an appropriate RSS feed reader.
Often the target language is a binary format like machine code, but not always.
Compilers and assemblers automatically translate representations all the way down to efficient machine code.
Both had custom instruction sets, with programs designed in their raw machine code.
The second message indicates that compilation has completed, and the hexadecimal address represents the starting offset of the machine code that will be executed each time the method is invoked.
A convenient place to put the state machine code.
First, you shouldn't assume that the above assignment would be compiled as a single machine instruction unless you personally verify the machine code yourself.
In order to restore the HMC using the backup made in the script above, you must first reinstall the HMC machine code, and then restore the data from either the DVD or remote server.
The JVM performs JIT compilation of byte code into machine code.
The JVM interpreted the bytecodes rather than compiling them to machine code and executing the machine code directly.
If LLVM is compiled in, the JIT is on by default, automatically compiling methods that are run a lot into machine code.
Those who downplayed the concern noted that the date would translate into machine code as 090999, which would not stop any process.
Unlike Pyrex, Psyco does not exactly type variables but rather creates several speculative machine code versions of each Python block based on each hypothesis about what the data types might be.
But while the Python interpreter is running an application, Psyco sometimes checks to see if it can substitute some specialized machine code for regular Python bytecode actions.
Because of our JIT technology, we can offer performance higher than MacRuby as well because we can take advantage of profiled information to generate faster machine code.
As you saw in the December installment, the HotSpot JVM first executes a code path in interpreted mode, and only compiles it to machine code after a certain amount of execution.
Psyco — to keep it very short — is a just-in-time (JIT) compiler of Python code into (x86) machine code.
For instance, in machine code there is no "for" loop as most of us would understand them.
Potentially, a later version might know how to target those Python operations that could actually benefit most, and discard cached machine code for non-optimizable sections.
Moreover, for applications with large numbers of functions and classes, enabling Psyco application-wide adds a large burden in machine-code compilation and memory-usage for this caching.
The expression is compiled into LLVM IR, then bitcode, then assembly, then machine code. True compilation.
The way you use a precompiled machine code module is, from the Python point of view, exactly the same.
从Python的角度来看,你使用事先编译好的机器码模块的方式和用 Python源代码模块没什么区别。
Using a JIT will speed up execution by compiling to machine code, thus eliminating the overhead of fetching, decoding, and dispatching Python opcodes.
JIT通过将代码编译成机器码,这样可以减少翻译Python指令的时间,以此提高代码的执行速度。 “在CPython里,” Winter 解释道,“这一部分的开销很大;在这方面只做了较小的调整就使CPython 2.7有了近15%速度提升。”
Second, these languages are not translated into machine code by hand.
A static compiler converts source code directly to machine code that can be directly executed on the target platform, and different hardware platforms require different compilers.
Looking at just the leaf node, this resembles the source code to a fair extend. Next this is translated into the machine code of the regular expression engine.
Early programming was done at the bare machine level, using machine code instructions.
After interpreting a code path a certain number of times, it is compiled into machine code.
After interpreting a code path a certain number of times, it is compiled into machine code.