Slat started with an idea for an unusual machine to "catch" the plastic floating in the water using the natural energy of the ocean.
An attempt was made to execute a floating point instruction when the floating point available bit in the MSR (machine status register) was disabled.
The floating service address must span two or more discrete hardware instances in order to continue operation with the loss of one physical machine.
Study of generality of floating machine for a certain range of large caliber infantry automatic weapons is of great importance to the design of general-purpose mount.
This article proposes a quick sort method based on the machine code of floating point numbers, which can sort the floating point numbers distributed at random.
A new die-casting die fit on cold chamber die casting machine was redesigned in the part of the center gate and floating flow-distribution.
Relative measures were taken to the floating ring on the low pressure side of LP cylinder and corresponding sludge oil collector, to ensure stable operation of the freezing machine.
Floating raft isolation system can obviously restrain vibration from machine to the hull, thus has been widely applied in naval power machinery anti-vibration noise reduction fields.
The Multitrack Hard Disk Recorder allows you to record the output of any machine and record it to 16-bit Integer of 32-bit Floating Point PCM encoded .
They are employed as floating bearings in electric motors of medium to high power and in general machine construction.
When floating in water, persons or other heavy objects are forbidden to weigh on the machine.
Aim To research the use of floating technique on the heavy machine gun and design the parameters of the floating machine.
This machine is suitable for peripheral and plane heat transfer print, hot stamping and roller floating hot stamping of oval, square and corrugated products of different kinds.
Extracodes may be used to provide floating-point operations, for example, on a machine which does not have floating-point hardware.
You can create a MAT-file on one machine and then load it on another machine using a different floating-point format, and retaining as much accuracy and range as the different formats allow.
You can create a MAT-file on one machine and then load it on another machine using a different floating-point format, and retaining as much accuracy and range as the different formats allow.