Whereas use cases are human readable, service tests represent the same requirements, but in a form that is machine executable.
In order to provide information in machine-readable form, the machine needs to know where to find the information.
In most cases, the bird will simply turn yellow to tell you that no privacy policy is in place, but that is changing as sites begin to provide this information in machine-readable form.
This is a basic rule of the Semantic Web, but it has always been a fact of metadata usage in machine-readable form.
The new Californian driving licence carries the same information as its predecessor, but in a more machine-readable form.
Proprietary Software shall mean any program or other information stored on tapes, discs, documents or other material, in machine readable or other form, which is the property of Corporation.
A detail introduction about the Input data Table and the Machine Readable Table's character, function, data form and meaning, key processing, etc.
Proprietary Software shall mean any program or other information stored on taps, discs, documents or other material, in machine readable or other form, which is the property of Corporation.
Producers of printed indexes to the serial literature are also making information available in a machine-readable form .
SOFTWARE license: Each program license granted under this Agreement authorizes the LICENSEE to use the Licensed Programs in machine-readable form on any single computer.
SOFTWARE license: Each program license granted under this Agreement authorizes the LICENSEE to use the Licensed Programs in machine-readable form on any single computer.