A macrobiotic diet consists of organically grown grains and vegetables.
She never smoked or drank alcohol, and religiously followed a macrobiotic diet.
I did 30-day trials both with the macrobiotic diet and with the raw foods diet.
Eating a simple and a well balanced diet is what a macrobiotic diet is all about.
A macrobiotic diet consists mainly of whole grain and certain kinds of vegetables.
You must remember that a macrobiotic diet is not just a diet – it is a way of life.
A macrobiotic diet consists mainly of whole grains and certain kinds of vegetables.
Drinking water or any other beverage in a macrobiotic diet is recommended only when one gets thirsty.
Even so, I managed to integrate some new macrobiotic foods and raw foods into my diet after these trials.
Sea vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals should also comprise a small portion of a macrobiotic diet.
Following a macrobiotic diet means eating food that is not processed and thus conventional methods of cooking are used.
FIRST there was vegetarianism, which begot veganism, macrobiotic adherents, raw foodists and something known simply as "the cleanse."
This study from researchers at Tulane University showed half of those on the macrobiotic diet were alive after one year, compared to only 10% on the regular diet.
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 supplements are strongly recommended for mothers who adhere to vegetarian diets that include no animal products, such as vegan and macrobiotic diets.
维生素b 12强烈建议那些不摄取任何动物食物的素食妈妈补充维生素b12。
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 supplements are strongly recommended for mothers who adhere to vegetarian diets that include no animal products, such as vegan and macrobiotic diets.
维生素b 12强烈建议那些不摄取任何动物食物的素食妈妈补充维生素b12。