The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.
The price we pay for cheap food may be already too high: Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and wisteria in dairy products.
She first encountered him after she said on air that fears of mad-cow disease had put her off hamburgers; he helped her handle a lawsuit from a group of enraged Texas cattlemen.
Hence the rare death by mad-cow disease seems scarier than the much more common risk of death from germs in our own kitchens.
American agriculture officials point out there have only been two documented cases of mad cow disease in U.S. cattle - neither of which made it into the food supply.
When a group of Texas cattlemen sued her over a show that warned about mad-cow disease, she fought the lawsuit personally in court and won.
Japan is especially reluctant to do so, as was illustrated by a recent spat over American beef, in which fears of mad-cow disease strengthened the hands of protectionists.
That deal failed to restrict imports of beef from older cattle, which many South Koreans believe pose a risk of transmitting a human variant of mad cow disease.
The programme had asked whether American beef was free from mad-cow disease.
Under the bilateral trade agreement, U.S. exporters must remove spinal columns, brain tissue and other parts considered linked to the mad cow disease.
Imports were cut because a case of mad-cow disease was found in the U.S..
Before the risks of mad-cow disease were understood, the NHS routinely reused its nailclippers.
There has never been a confirmed case of anyone contracting the human variant of mad cow disease from eating American beef.
American officials say no human cases of mad cow disease have ever resulted from consuming U.S. beef and that no infected cow has ever been known to enter the food supply.
Prions cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (or “mad cow disease” in cattle) by rearranging the structure of normal proteins in their own image.
This measure comes only months after South Korean supermarkets resumed selling U.S. beef after a scare over mad cow disease.
Another suggestion is to stop feeding chicken excrement to cows, which can spread "mad cow disease — a food-borne hazard with a low probability of occurring," the audit said.
A group of top doctors are currently on trial for indirectly causing the deaths of 117 children by injecting them with growth hormones tainted with the human form of mad cow disease.
There are many examples where the issue of science and transparency come up: When mad cow disease first broke out, the first sensible guess from scientists was that it could not spread to humans;
Prions cause a number of fatal diseases such as mad cow disease in cattle, scrapie in sheep and kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans.
朊病毒是一种畸形的蛋白质,导致一些致命的疾病:如疯牛病,羊痒病,人类库鲁和克雅氏病(CJD, vCJD)。
Tuesday's beef shipment was plastered with stickers certifying the meat was derived from cattle younger than two and a half years old — widely seen as having a lower risk of mad cow disease.
But the most heated issue has been the renewed imports of American beef, which were halted locally after the discovery of a case of mad cow disease in the United States in 2003.
Seoul banned the import of American beef in 2003, after a single U.S. animal was found to have the brain disease commonly known as "mad cow disease."
Yes, Leo. The dead are fed back to the living. Mad cow disease can be spread by this unnatural profit driven practice.
Many South Koreans fear that American beef is not safe from mad cow disease.
That is a textbook example of mad cow disease.
That is a textbook example of mad cow disease.