The Magic School Bus a Science Chapter Book Twister Trouble!
Read how the Magic School bus kids become real Dinosaur Detectives.
The class hops on the Magic School Bus but how will the catch up with it?
JOANNA COLE has been creating books about the Magic School Bus for more than twenty years.
The Magic School Bus turns into a spaceship and takes the class on a trip zooming through the atmosphere, to the Moon, and beyond!
A field trip on the Magic School Bus can be torture for Arnold, and there is just one thing that can make it worse: his cousin Janet.
ETV does not sell advertising but large corporations sponsor shows, like Microsoft pays for the production of "Magic School Bus" a show for kids.
The visualization on "Hollow" is a mindtrip (especially with the crisp clarity you see it in on the iPad app) taking you through the DNA chain, kind of like a more surreal Magic School Bus.
The visualization on "Hollow" is a mindtrip (especially with the crisp clarity you see it in on the iPad app) taking you through the DNA chain, kind of like a more surreal Magic School Bus.