Moreover, since the form of iron oxide used to make the droplets is magnetic, a magnetic field can be used to rotate them.
Furthermore, the incorporation of iron or iron oxide into such structures would provide advantages for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
A weakly magnetic black mineral found in metamorphic and plutonic rocks; an iron titanium oxide in crystalline form; a source of titanium.
Magnetic separation equipment of manganese ore, manganese oxide, iron ore, kaolin, rare earth ore magnetic separator can be used to separate.
The preparation methods of iron based products were discussed, such as ferrous or ferric salts, iron oxide pigments, magnetic particles and iron powders.
Magnetic iron oxide and their hybrid nanoparticles have been used for magnetic separation in chemical and biological fields.
The progress of preparation method and surface modification of monodisperse magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, as well as their application in the magnetic targeted drug are reviewed.
Iron oxide powder is the main raw material for ferrite magnetic material.
Objective To investigate the effect of preparation conditions on the effective diameter and saturation magnetization of dextran magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles.
Objective: To study THD possibility using organic silane attached magnetic iron oxide as an oral contrast agent for MR imaging.
Objective To evaluate the value of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) -enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the diagnoses of focal liver lesions.
The positive correlation between equivalent magnetic iron oxide content and saturation magnetization of coal-fired fly ash is significant.
Magnetic Iron Oxide material is the important basic materials in the field of modern electronical technology.
The X-diffraction analysis of fly ash showed that iron minerals were mainly hematite and magnetite, small amount of magnetic hematite, Mg-Fe spinel and Mg-Fe-Al oxide solid solution.
经x -衍射分析粉煤灰中的含铁矿物主要是以赤铁矿和磁铁矿的状态存在,少量以磁赤铁矿、镁铁尖晶石以及镁铝铁氧化物的固熔体形式存在。
The superparamagnetic iron oxide labeled human pancreas cancer cell strain can be applied to magnetic resonance imaging and applied to constructing a pancreas cancer animal model.
The results showed that MLDH and product MLDH-FU belonged principally to a six square crystal series (R-space group), were magnetic compound crystal phase mixed trace iron oxide.
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are commonly used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but their fast phagocytosis makes them less than ideal for this application.
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are commonly used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but their fast phagocytosis makes them less than ideal for this application.